Studio / Tuition Policy
Your tuition is due every month on the 1st. If your tuition is not paid by the 10th, you will be charged a $25.00 late fee on the 11th. If tuition is not paid by the end of the month, your child will not be allowed to attend further classes until the balance is paid or financial arrangements have been made. An additional $25 will be charged for every 30 days the account remains past due. Monthly tuition reminders are not sent.
Tuition is NOT pro-rated for holidays, illness, vacations, or unexcused absences.
If you should decide to cancel enrollment, please contact the office asap as you will continue to be charged unless notified otherwise; and if you decide to re-enroll you will be responsible for any unpaid tuition and fees.
NOTE: If tuition is not current at the applicable time, you will be restricted from any of the following until the account is settled: costume purchase, receiving costumes, recital ticket purchase, receiving pictures and/or recital participation.
Class Shoes/Attire Requirements
Students must be prepared with required shoes and attire for class or they may not be allowed to participate.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Policy
We ask that you adhere to the class START and END times.
Please ensure that your child is on time to every class, so that they will get the most value for your money, to ensure that they get a proper warm-up for class, and to be respectful of everyone’s time.
Please ensure that your child is picked up promptly at the end.
If you know ahead of time that you will be late picking up or dropping off, please let the instructor know, or leave a message with the office. If a visitor would like to observe, the teacher needs to be informed in advance. (This includes siblings/family members that are not participating in a class.)
Recital Requirements
If you decide to not participate in our annual recital (suggested but not mandatory), we ask that you let the teacher know as soon as possible.
All students that participate in our annual recital are required to purchase all necessary costumes, accessories and shoes, abide by uniform recital hairstyle, attend scheduled dress rehearsals, and stay for their entire show.
Studio Closure
If the studio closes due to weather, the notice will be on the studio voicemail ((314) 921-7007) by 2:00pm.
Late Registration
Students that register in the month of January are not guaranteed costume arrival by Picture Date, only by Recital.